Returns & Refund Policy
You have 30 days to to obtain a full refund.
Kindly reach out to us through any of the contact methods available on our website. You may do so by calling our telephone number, sending us an email, or utilizing the live chat feature for the most prompt assistance.
You should anticipate receiving a refund through your debit or credit card provider within seven business days. If the payment was made via PayPal, the refund process is typically nearly instant.
If the product key is non-functional or if you have reconsidered your purchase and have not utilized it, you are entitled to return it for a complete exchange or refund at any time following your purchase.
If you're experiencing any issues with your order, we kindly ask that you reach out to us before contacting your Bank or PayPal. This helps us maintain our business and resolve problems more efficiently. We're here to help and typically sort out any concerns right away!
Nerdused take pride in providing excellent customer service and fair exchange policies. Our customers can trust that their software will be successfully activated, and we offer a full money-back guarantee for added assurance. Our team goes above and beyond to ensure the best shopping experience, from selecting the right product all the way through to post-purchase support. We understand how important reliable software is, and we guarantee the quality of our products. Trust Nerdused for all your software needs and experience unparalleled customer service.
We prioritize customer satisfaction, which is why we provide a 30 day window for returns. Nevertheless, it should be noted that digital products can only be refunded if they are not working or considered invalid. That means if the online or phone activation does not succeed.

We can Accept returns/refund if:
The product appears to be malfunctioning and is unable to be activated online or by phone. Customers can choose to be refunded or have the defective license replaced.

We cannot Accept returns/refund if:
The license code has been utilized, as it cannot be reused by another customer.
By ordering on our site, you are confirming that you accept our Returns & Refund Policy.