Featured in

Microsoft for Windows
Windows Operating System
Microsoft Visio and Project
Microsoft for MAC
Microsoft 365
Xbox Series X/S

About Us
We specialize in selling Microsoft products through our online platform. Our extensive range includes everything from the latest office suites to antivirus protection. Our user-friendly website allows customers to easily browse and purchase safely from the comfort of their own homes. With our fast and reliable digital delivery service, customers can receive their orders in no time. As an established e-commerce company and authorised Microsoft partners. We strive to provide excellent customer service and competitive prices.
Verify us on Microsoft HERE
Why buy from Nerdused?
When you buy a Product Key from our store, you will be entitled to full updates, Microsoft support, and a lifetime warranty for the Product Key and activation. Technical support is accessible via our website's online chat or email. We accept all of the major online payment methods such as PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay, and GooglePay. The key delivery system is always automatic and available 24/7.
24/7 Live Chat Support
We are committed to providing the highest level of support in the industry. Therefore, you can contact us at any time by utilizing the live chat widget located in the bottom right corner of our website, ensuring you receive an exceptional support experience for any inquiries you may have.
Authorised Microsoft Partners
We are featured on the Microsoft partner site alongside other qualified and authorized vendors. You can access our partner profile by visiting this link. Therefore, you can make your purchases from us with confidence, knowing that you will always receive authentic products.
Shipping - E-mail Delivery
After completing the payment form, you will automatically receive your Product Key via email within one minute. Please note that if this Product Key does not initially appear in your inbox folder, then be sure to check your spam folder.
Payment Options
We accept PayPal, Visa, Master, Amex and other major debit and credit cards supported via Stripe.com
Returns & Refund
Nerdused is dedicated to delivering superior support and honest return policies to customers. We guarantee the activation of any software purchased or will provide a full refund. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, which is why we offer a 30 day return period. It is important to note that some restrictions may apply.
(Refunds for digital products are only issued if a key is not valid or doesn't work. This typically occurs when online activation fails, rendering the product unusable). Contact us via hello@nerdused.com or live chat for assistance.
Nerdused.com offers a full money-back guarantee for any Product Key purchased from our online store. Our Poduct Keys are verified on the Microsoft server and usually activate correctly in 99.9% of cases. If a Product Key fails to work or you are unable to activate it, you may be eligible for a refund or replacement. To find out if you qualify for a refund or replacement, certain details about the Product Key must be checked according to our Returns & Refund Policy.
How can you ensure I am purchasing legitimate software ?
Our product can be verified by activating it on the official Microsoft website.
Upon installation of a Product Key, you will receive a receipt from Microsoft to your email which confirms your purchase. The Product Key will also be associated with your Microsoft account, ensuring easy access.
Additionally, we provide a company invoice as proof of purchase. These measures ensure that our product is genuine and legitimate. Our customers can trust that they are receiving a high-quality product that meets their needs. We prioritize transparency and honesty in our business practices to build strong relationships with our customers.
You can also view our Microsoft partner profile here.
How are you able to offer products at a cheaper cost ?
Our ability to offer products at such low prices is thanks to three key factors. Firstly, we run regular promotional sales which allow us to offer steep discounts on a range of items. This not only benefits our customers, but also helps us clear out excess stock. Secondly, you will receive the Product Key digitally and instantly after your purchase because the box and manual is not shipped. Thirdly, work closely with authorised partners who can offer us great deals when we buy in bulk. By purchasing products at a lower cost, we can then pass these savings onto our customers and offer products at incredibly competitive prices.
Do you supply software in wholesale ?
If you are interested in making bulk purchase of our products, please contact us with the volume of your request and the product that you have chosen. We are happy to accommodate your needs and will provide you with the necessary information regarding pricing. Thank you for considering our products and we look forward to doing business with you.
Are there any regional restrictions with your software ?
Office software can be used and activated without any regional restrictions. This means that users can install and access the software anywhere in the world without any limitations. The software is designed to work globally, and users can easily switch between different languages and locations. This makes it convenient for businesses and individuals who travel or operate in different countries to use and rely on Office software for their productivity needs.
Can your software be used in my local language ?
Our products are designed to support multi-language installation files, allowing you to download the setup in your preferred language. This means that our products can be used in a wide range of countries and regions, as we cater to the needs of our global customer base. We understand how important it is for our users to be able to use our products in their preferred language, and we strive to offer the software accessible and user-friendly for all.
I placed an order but I have not received the download link and product key. What should I do ?
Please check your spam/junk folder. Contact us via email or live chat for further assistance